fast and free delivery on all standard orders


Full refund will be given on any item that is not suitable for the purpose you bought it for as long as item is not used and still in original condition you received it and returned back within 14 days of receipt.

Any item returned for refund will be minus any outgoing postage cost and return postage is at buyers expense and is recommended to use a recorded delivery service for us to process a refund

Any items that require returning please notify via email with your query and we will be happy to assist

We will not accept warranty claims for diy fitting of components by none trained persons. Returned items will be inspected by our own qualified engineers or returned to our supplier for inspection. Items that have been unpacked and fitted and are not in the original re-saleable condition will be returned to the buyer and no refunds will be given. We reserve the right to offer either a replacement part or a full refund for returned items.